This feature is used to issue refunds to the customer. Refunds are split in two:
For a full refund, the ‘amount’ in the Request Body should be IDENTICAL to that of the transaction being refunded.
JSON Request object
JSON Response object
{ "id": "ref_eaj71fe0b1", "status": "Captured", "created": "2021-01-06T15:54:45.771475Z" }
Status of the original Transaction will be updated to Refunded.
For a partial refund, the ‘amount’ in the Request Body should be LESS than that of the transaction being refunded.
{ "amount":5.53, "currency": "EUR", "reference": "REF-234231", "reason": "Fraudulent" }
{ "id": "ref_hw8cobf23u", "status": "Captured", "created": "2021-01-06T15:54:45.771475Z" }
Status of the original Transaction will be updated to PartiallyRefunded.
Path parameters
The transaction identifier
Request body parameters
reference <= 50
A reference you can later use to identify this capture request
reason <= 100
Reversal reason
{"reason": "because of...","reference": "insert reference here"}
{“id”: “rev_8vmsa3llw6”,“status”: “Captured”,“created”: “2021-01-06T15:53:44.2790708Z”}
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